MOJ Boss Tours Major Justice Facilities In Bong County

MOJ Boss Tours Major Justice Facilities In Bong County

By K. Ericson Sayee


MONROVIA, July 15 (LINA) –The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Liberia, Cllr. N. Oswald Tweh, Sr. on July 13, 2024, embarked on an assessment tour in Bong County where he visited Gbarnga Regional Hub and Gbarnga Central Prison.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Justice, the visit is centered on assessing the conditions of the mentioned facilities, engaging with staff and lead justice actors, and exploring ways to improve the justice system in the region.

The statement added that Minister Tweh met with key actors in the justice system in Bong County with the aim of exploring strategies that will enhance access to justice, promoting legal awareness, and expanding support services for vulnerable populations in Liberia, especially Bong, Nimba, and Lofa Counties where the project covers.

In addition, the release noted that the Justice Minister met with the County Attorney of Bong County, Atty. Jonathan N. Flomo, to discuss means of improving activities relating to legal matters in Bong County.

Minister Tweh emphasized the importance of upholding human rights and ensuring fair and efficient legal processes for all citizens

Subsequently, the delegation proceeded to the Gbarnga Central Prison, where they interacted with prison staff and heads, including acting prison Superintendent, Madam Gbolomen K Siakor.

The Minister underscored the government’s commitment to improve living conditions within the correctional facility and providing a secure environment for inmates. He also stressed the need to enhance high-security standards at the prison facilities and implementing measures to reduce overcrowding, thereby consciously considering the pre-trial detainees situation.

For his part, Atty. Flomo expressed gratitude and encouraged numerous visits from the Justice Minister, which according to him, would motivate and boost access to justice within those countries.

The Gbarnga Regional Hub provides security services, confidence patrol, and response to incidents of civil disobedience, surveillance patrol and legal services for the three countries as well as maximizes fight against crimes.

The joint visit to the Gbarnga Regional Hub and Gbarnga Central Prison served as a platform for dialogue, assessment, and collaboration towards fostering a more transparent, effective, and humane justice system in Liberia