Technical Services

The Technical Services Department is the technical arm of the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT). Headed by the Deputy Ministry for Technical Services, this department oversees printing and publication functions of the Ministry, plays regulatory role for movies and other related content meant for public screening, as well as regulates the registrations of media outlets, printing presses, advertising and public relations agencies, cable television service providers, among others.
The Department has four bureaus:
The New Liberia Publications (Newspaper & Magazine)
The Central Printing Incorporated (CPI)
Motion Pictures Review Division; and
National Communications Bureau
The New Liberia Publications
The New Liberia Publications, otherwise simply known as New Liberia Newspaper, was established in 1978 by the Liberian Government under the canopy of the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT). It has the mandate to, among others, propagate, explicate, promote, communicate policies, programs, decisions, developmental agenda and other major government’s activities and initiatives to citizens and residents in and out of Liberia.
Regarded as the official newspaper publication of the Liberian Government, a magazine version was recently added in July of 2024 under the supervision of Minister Jerolinmek Piah during this Administration of His Excellency, President Joseph Nyumah Boakair, Sr.
Together, publications from both the Newspaper and the Magazine aim to clearly explain and inform the public about those policy decisions aimed at enlightening public consciousness, impacting the lives of citizens, and other residents as well as informing national government on pertinent issues effecting citizens.
The dual publications also have the obligation and the mandate to do follow-ups on government’s policies, executive orders, pronounced public decisions and programs to determine their impact on the lives of the Liberian people and to report/publish issues that affect the people’s livelihood (human interest stories) for government’s intervention.
The Newspaper is published three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) with a provision for the publication of a Special Edition as deemed necessary, while the Magazine is published quarterly (once every three months).
Central Printing Incorporated (CPI)
The Central Printing Incorporated, simply referenced as the CPI, was established in 1979, first as a public-private arm. The CPI is the largest and government’s only printing press that has the statutory responsibility of producing all government’s printing jobs, including the New Liberia Newspaper and Magazine, presidential speeches, tax documents and all related documents from Ministries and Agencies of Government.
The CPI has been dormant for the last 15 years and counting. Its revamping is a major legacy ambitious project of the Piah-led administration.
Motion Picture Review Division
The Motion Picture Review Division is a regulatory arm of MICAT. Established in May 1976 by an act of legislature, the Division of Motion Picture Review Board ensures the previewing and approval for public screening, all locally produced and imported movies. It also ensures that no cinema house is established and no mobile cinema unit is operated anywhere in Liberia without a permit issued by MICAT, and that no film shall be screened in any cinema house, by any mobile unit operator or shown on any television station until its owner has exhibited it on the screen prior to the showing of the film, and given a document to the effect that it has received the approval of the Board.
This division is kept in the Ministry’s structure under PRC Degree 46. It issues permits for the operation of movie entities, including video clubs, cinemas, and television stations.
National Communications Bureau
The National Communications Bureau is another regulatory arm of MICAT, empowered by law to serve as the official interpreter and regulator of communications policies in Liberia. Established in 1974, the bureau has the statutory mandate to monitor, within prescribed guidelines, all communications entering or leaving the country with the view of advising the government through MICAT of the probable national and international implications of media institution operations. It also formulates and promulgates regulations governing communication within the country with respect to journalists and journalism.