Senior Political Advisor On Summary Of GoL Achievements

Senior Political Advisor On Summary Of GoL Achievements


By Reagan S. Lebbie


MONROVIA, Aug. 8 (LINA) – The Senior Political Advisor to President Joseph N. Boakai, Sr., Madam MacDella Cooper, has outlined major achievements of the Unity Party led Government covering a six-month period, naming the restoration of the rule of law, sanitation, roads rehabilitation, agriculture, e


ducation, war on drugs, aviation and tourism, among others.

Speaking Tuesday at the opening ceremony of the Liberia 2024 Investment Conference in Monrovia, Madam Cooper stated that after the inauguration of President Boakai on January 22, 2024, cabinet officials rolled up their sleeves and set out to put the country back on the right trajectory that will build a stronger, more robust and responsive economy driven by accountability.

According to her, the fight against corruption has taken a center stage in the administration of President Boakai as a means of rebuilding Liberia's economy thus reducing the cost of living in the country.

She added that the fight against drugs and substance abuse is another area where President Boakai wasted no time in tackling by declaring them as a national emergency.

Madam MacDella emphasized that after the action of the Liberian leader, the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency(LDEA) and other agencies got to work to remove drugs from "our streets and out of the hands of our children"

She pinpointed that bad road conditions across Liberia have been one of the major challenges the country has faced over the years, citing that it took President Boakai to instruct the Ministry of Public works to recondition those bad roads.

Madam MacDella disclosed that President Boakai has instructed the Minister of Public works to ensure that all primary corridors remain pliable during all-weather, along with the opening of all drainage systems.

Additionally, President Boakai Political advisor indicated that the Liberian leader also considers aviation as another potential sector for revenue generation, and as such, he instructed his appointed officials to begin upgrading the airports and equipment for flight movement in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recommended safety and security standards.

Commenting on sanitation, Madam Cooper praised the new Monrovia City Mayor for ensuring that all waste backlogs were removed from the city into holding centers and relocated to the landfill sites.

She noted that the Ministry of Education headed by Minister Jarso Maley Jallah is working tirelessly to clean up our education system and ensure that our young people are well prepared and ready for the job market.

She thanked the Nova Africa Ventures and the National Investment Commission for organizing the 2024 edition of the National Investment Conference.

Madam Cooper lauded participants of the national investment conference, citing that their presence is essential to the success of the event.

The week-long conference was organized by NOVA Africa Ventures and the National Investment Commission which is geared toward showcasing Liberia's vast investment potential as a means of attracting international business leaders.