Society-Commendation-Sen. Konneh

Sen. Konneh Extolls Fula Community Over Contribution To Nation Development


Sen. Konneh Extolls Fula Community Over Contribution To Nation Development

By Amara Konneh

 Gbarpolu County Senator, Amara Konneh has extolled the developmental initiatives of members of the Fula Community in Liberia terming their contribution as an important component in the country's development and a boost to the economy.

Expressing his thoughts in a Facebook post, on September 8, 2024, Senator Konneh applauded the Fula Community which he said has contributed to the Liberian economy as he referenced their many real estate developments in and around Monrovia.

The Gbarpolu County Senator extolled the Fula Governor, Elharji Bailo Sow alias "Super" for exhibiting good leadership over the years, citing that it is never an easy thing to bring unity among people.

“Nationalism and Patriotism play a vital role in uniting the people of Liberia. Unity in diversity increases a nation's harmony and peace and shows its strength,” he stressed.

He said, they had gathered in the spirit of unity and diversity to celebrate and honor a leader, Governor Bailo who has led his people to contribute to Liberia's development in several ways, pointing out that the Fulanis are peaceful and tolerant people and love Liberia.

Senator Konneh added that despite all this diversity, everyone lives in Liberia with a strong commitment and love for the nation, emphasizing that it is love that brings people together.

Senator Konneh asserted that Liberia is a secular country, with diverse people in language, religion, culture, and a remarkable sense of unity, and it is the reason why Liberia has demonstrated to the world " unity in diversity" because people from various religious and cultural beliefs are united in harmony to rebuild Liberia.

Senator Konneh expressed his explicit confidence in Governor Bailo’s leadership as undoubtedly the most observant, attentive and knowledgeable man he has ever met.

“I want to assure you that I represent you too. We will ensure that your rights are protected along with everyone living in Liberia as enshrined in our country's constitution,” he assured.