Kakata Central Prison

Over 40 Inmates Escape From Kakata Central Prison

Over 40 Inmates Escape From Kakata Central Prison

By K. Ericson Sayee

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has confirmed that about forty-seven (47) inmates escaped from the Kakata Central Prison, in Margibi County on September 8, 2024.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Justice dated Sept. 9, 2024, an initial investigation has unearthed that the escaped inmates were able to break jail due to a breach in the prison's security system.

The MOJ said in the release that the ministry is working with the Liberia National Police and the prison authorities to determine the exact cause of the breach aimed at taking appropriate actions to prevent reoccurrence.

The statement noted that the ministry is deeply concerned about the incident and is exerting all necessary measures to ensure the recapture of the escaped inmates, disclosing that the LNP has deployed additional officers to assist in the search and apprehension of the runaway inmates.

The ministry assured the public that all efforts are being made to ensure the safety and security of the citizens and to bring the escapees to justice, urging the public to remain calm and to report any information that may lead to the recapture of the inmates.

However, the Justice Ministry reminds the public that harboring or aiding the escaped inmates is a criminal offense, stating that anyone found guilty of such an act will face the full weight of the law, calling on the inmates to surrender themselves to any nearest police station or prison authority to avoid facing additional charges.

"The Ministry of Justice will not condone any lawlessness and will ensure that justice is served. We urge the public to continue to support the Government's efforts in maintaining law and order in our society," the ministry said.

At the same time, the Justice Ministry assured the public that it will provide further updates as the search for the escaped inmates continues, thanking the public for their continued support and cooperation in ensuring that safety and security of the Liberian society is maintained and sustained.