Three Former GoL Officials Jailed Amid Multiple Corruption Charges

By Comfort M. Johnson 


MONROVIA July 30 (LINA) – Three former officials of the Government of Liberia have been incarcerated at the Monrovia Central Prison based on a corruption indictment drawn against them and others by the government on July 29, 2024.

Those who were arrested and remanded include former Minister of Justice Cllr. Nyenati Tuan, former Comptroller, Financial Intelligence Agency, D. Moses P. Cooper and former National Security Advisor, Jefferson Karmoh.

Former Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah and the former Director of the Financial Intelligence Agency (FIA), Stanley S. Ford, who complete the five-men indictment list released by the government, are still at-large.

Based on the indictment, the five ex-officials are being charged with the crimes of economic sabotage, misuse of public money, property or record, theft and or illegal disbursement and expenditure of public money, theft of property, criminal facilitation, and criminal conspiracy.

Based upon a complaint of the Republic of Liberia by and thru the Ministry of justice and the Liberia Anti- Corruption Commission LACC, the indictment indicated that  in an elaborate scheme and conspiracy to defraud the Government of Liberia in July 2023, the defendants conspired with co- defendant Stanley Ford and made him a member of the National Security Council of Liberia, in total violation and contravention of the National Security Act of Liberia.

The five defendants are alleged to have maliciously, and with the intent to defraud the Government of Liberia, converted to their personal use the amount of L$1,055,152,540.00 and US$500,000,00.

They allegedly orchestrated the scheme by using the operational account of the FIA, the court indictment indicated.

Following the indictment, defendants Nyenati Tuan, D. Moses P.Cooper and Jefferson Karmoh were arrested and brought before the Monrovia City Court to answer to the charges.

However, the lawyers representing the defendants pleaded with the court to grant them a release and have them released to a person of interest to file a proper criminal appearance bond.

Their plea was rejected by Stipendiary Magistrate Ben Barco who ruled that the defendants be incarcerated for failure to proffer a valid criminal appearance bond.