Cape Mount Youth Applaud Pres. Boakai Digital Training, Seek More Opportunities

Cape Mount Youth Applaud Pres. Boakai Digital Training, Seek More Opportunities

By Morris S. Karneh, LINA Grand Cape Mount County Correspondent

  Beneficiaries of President Joseph N. Boakai digital training program in Grand Cape Mount County, have expressed gratitude over the initiative while calling for expanded training opportunities to further develop their skills.

Alfred Gabah, a participant from the Robertsport Cohort, told the Liberia News Agency LINA that although some of the topics were familiar, the training was an eye-opener for many young people in the city, highlighting digital marketing and e-commerce as particularly valuable courses.

"While the training was beneficial, I believe that more time was needed. Many participants didn't have prior computer experience, so the ten days were insufficient. As a youth leader, I am appealing to the government to strategize for additional training in these disciplines, Gabah stressed."

Gabah also recommended extending the deadline for certificate applications, suggesting that October 25 was too short a timeframe.

At the Sinje Town Training Center, another participant, Foday Dennis, firstly appreciated the government for the initiative but said the timing of the event and the facilitators' preparedness made it difficult.

He noted that while beginners benefited from the training at some level, those with prior knowledge felt somehow disappointed.

Dennis, who participated in the Data Survey aspect of the training, expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of in-depth coverage in the area.

He urged the government to consider a second phase of the training to provide participants with more comprehensive digital education, adding that with the knowledge provided from the training coupled with his research, he is yearning for more training.

The ten-day training covered general digital skills, digital marketing, e-commerce, and digital surveys, where participants received both lectures and practical computer training.

Over 150 young people from across Grand Cape Mount County who gathered at two separate locations to participate in the training emphasized the long-term benefits of the acquired knowledge.