Assistant Minister for Tourism
Asst. Minister Norris is a consummate tourism operations and marketing professional. Assistant Minister Norris is also a licensed legal practitioner with a specialization in Property and Corporate Law. He is also proficient in MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS.
He has several years of experience in various top managerial capacities within the Hospitality & Tourism Operations industry both in and out of Liberia. In his current role, he oversees all technical aspects of tourism development, regulation, programs/policy development and advertisement. His tasks also include inbound tour coordination, promotion of Liberian tourist attractions within the sub- region and beyond through advertising campaigns and strategies. In this role, he also provides assistance to tourists and the inspection of tourist facilities in coordination with the Bureau of Tourism and the Office of the Deputy Minister for Cultural Affairs and Tourism.
Asst. Minister Norris is an Alumni of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia, a former General Manager of Metro Reliable Ride, Liberia’s first ride-share cab service and former CEO of Enjoy Liberia Travel & Tours where he worked with hundreds of international tourists and tour operators. Asst. Minister Norris has excellent multi-cultural orientation being a Tour Guide and Tour Manager with continued advancement in the profession coupled with specific skills in Legal Research and Writing.
He has also served a distinguished 19+ years of progressive experience delivering information systems management as a proficient Management Information Systems architect. He values teamwork, innovation, ethics and accountability, discipline, hard work, creativity, excellence, detailed attention and exudes a progressive attitude towards professionalism at all levels.