Statement delivered today by the Executive Director of the National Disaster Management Agency, Hon. Ansu V. S. Dulleh, Sr. at MICAT Press Briefing

Honorable Acting Minister of Information, Mr. Johnny Tarkpah; esteemed dignitaries; distinguished colleagues; valued members of the media; ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for gathering here today. As I stand before you, a profound sense of gratitude and solidarity fills my heart. We come together in a moment marked by both reflection and action, as our communities strive to heal and rebuild in the wake of recent disasters that have left indelible scars on our lives. In the midst of our discussions concerning the urgent challenges we face, it becomes undeniably essential to shine a spotlight on an organization that signifies hope, compassion, and unwavering commitment to humanitarian service: the World Food Programme (WFP).

It is with immense appreciation that we acknowledge the WFP for their extraordinary donation of $1.5 million to be transferred to over 5200 households at USD$ 45.00 per household over a period of four months. It is expected that over 28,000 persons will benefit from the cash transfer. This remarkable act of generosity serves as a beacon of hope for countless families battling the aftermath of devastating floods. This support transcends mere numbers; it embodies a lifeline for those who have endured unimaginable hardships and loss. The profound depth of WFP’s commitment to alleviating human suffering resonates deeply within our communities, and for that, we express our heartfelt gratitude.

What truly sets the World Food Programme apart is their exceptional understanding of the complex realities faced by individuals in crisis. They are masters of humanitarian response, demonstrating an unparalleled ability to act swiftly and effectively when lives hang in the balance. Their expertise, agility, and steadfast dedication are commendable traits that elevate our collective response to adversity.

Moreover, we must recognize the spirit of collaboration that the WFP consistently embodies. They engage proactively with local communities, governments, and organizations crafting a united front against hunger and disaster. This synergy not only strengthens our response capabilities but also reaffirms a fundamental truth: we are undeniably stronger together. In partnership with the WFP, we gain access to invaluable knowledge and innovative practices that empower us to enhance our disaster management frameworks and response strategies.

Yet, we must be clear: recovery from disaster is not merely a sprint; it is an enduring journey that necessitates sustained commitment and resilience. Our collaboration with Madam Christine N. Umutoni, the UN Resident Coordinator for the One UN partners, exemplifies this long-term approach. Together, we have established the Joint UN Flood Response Working Group with the singular intention of providing comprehensive support to those affected by the floods.

This solidarity not only addresses immediate relief needs but also lays a robust foundation for future resilience. Through the World Food Program assistance, we can develop adaptive strategies that not only address the current crisis but also cultivate enduring strength within our communities against future challenges.

I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to recognize the incredible individuals who comprise the World Food Program team. These outstanding heroes exemplify commitment and compassion, tirelessly working under challenging conditions to ensure that those in need receive the support they so desperately deserve.

Their boots-on-the-ground approach, often undertaken at great personal sacrifice, serves as a powerful testament to their unwavering dedication to humanitarian principles. Today, we honor their commitment and extend our deepest appreciation for their selfless service.

As we envision the path ahead, let us carry forward the spirit of collaboration and partnership that the WFP so beautifully exemplifies. Their remarkable example serves as an inspiration for other organizations, community leaders, and individuals to join us in our shared mission: to uplift and support vulnerable populations in times of dire need.

In closing, with immense gratitude, I urge each of you to recognize the World Food Programme today for their transformative contributions to our flood-affected communities. Together, let us harness this momentum, fostering resilience and hope for every individual grappling with the challenges brought forth by disaster.

To our partners, to the World Food Programme, and to every individual dedicating their time and effort toward a better tomorrow, thank you for your untiring commitment and contagious spirit of compassion. Your efforts light the way for others and instill hope in all of us.

Thank you!